Kain Poliester 600D Lapisan PU Tahan Air

1200 Meter (Pesanan Minimal)

Fitur Utama : Anti-UV, Bernapas, Anti air, Tahan air

Warna yang tersedia 1

Kain Poliester 600D Lapisan PU Tahan Air



Jumlah Benang

600D * 600D




Berat medium




Polos, Ripstop


Bernapas, lapisan PU, Teflon


tas, tenda, tenda, sepatu, selimut kuda, penutup tahan air

Kain Poliester 600D: Komposisi dan Proses Menenun

600D polyester ripstop PU coated fabric is made by doubling and weaving two 300D yarns. This production method gives the fabric a more textured appearance. The doubled yarn endows the fabric with high strength and enables it to be suitable for a variety of finishing processes, such as making 600D PU coated fabric, 600D polyester fabric with flame retardant coating, and 600D tahan air coated fabric.

Kain Poliester 600D: Spesifikasi Properti Fisik

Kain 600D untuk pakaian luar adalah kain berbobot sedang dengan daya tahan dan ketahanan abrasi yang sangat baik. Menurut metode pengujian AS 2001.2.16, kain ini memiliki berat sekitar 230gsm, dengan kekuatan putus lungsin sekitar 2400N dan kekuatan putus benang pakan 1500N. Metode uji AS 2001.2.10 juga menunjukkan bahwa kain ini dapat menahan gaya sobek sebesar 145N pada arah lungsin dan pakan.

Kain Poliester 600D: Sifat dan Asal Bahan

600D polyester fabric is made of 100% polyester. This fabric is renowned worldwide for its high strength and durability and is one of the most popular textiles globally. It is commonly used in thousands of industrial and consumer applications. It is a synthetic fabric, usually derived from petroleum, but there are also some products made from recyclable and biodegradable materials. Besides strength and durability, 600D polyester fabric also has breathable properties.

Kain Poliester 600D: Lapisan PU tahan air

The surface of 600D polyester ripstop PU coated fabric is coated with polyurethane, which imparts excellent tahan air properties to the fabric and helps prevent dirt accumulation. Moreover, as it is lighter than canvas, it is easier to clean and maintain. In addition, the coating makes the fabric highly resistant to abrasion, impact, and tearing. The PU coating also adds extra tensile strength and UV resistance to the fabric, making it an ideal choice for outdoor products.

Kain Poliester 600D: Biaya dan Kepraktisan

Even after Lapisan PU treatment, 600D fabric a lightweight, compact, and versatile fabric, and it is also highly cost-effective. On one hand, the cost of poliester is lower than that of nylon; on the other hand, its production process is simpler, requiring fewer resources and less energy, thus reducing production costs. Coupled with its lightweight and compact characteristics, the transportation cost of this fabric is also lower.

Kain Poliester 600D: Skenario Aplikasi yang Beragam

600D polyester ripstop polyurethane lapisan for fabric is undoubtedly an outstanding textile, so it has an extremely wide range of applications. It is used in everything from simple accessories like coin purses to backpacks, rucksacks, and camera bags. It is also a commonly used fabric in the equestrian industry for making horse blankets and accessories. It is a popular choice for making dog coats and accessories. This fabric is also suitable for boat covers and car covers and is an ideal material for making tents, bags, and suitcases.

Standar Sertifikasi

ketahanan api NFPA 701


Finishing Opsional Lainnya

W/R, S/R  Tahan air
 Pelepasan tanah  Anti-inframerah
 Anti air  Pencitraan anti-termal
 Anti-statis  Tekanan hidrostatis tinggi
 Lapisan  Ketahanan super dingin
 Tahan api  Tahan angin
 Tahan asam  Ringan dan tipis
 Resistensi alkali  Tahan luntur warna yang tinggi terhadap keringat dan cahaya
 Tahan asam dan alkali  Tahan luntur warna yang tinggi terhadap cahaya
 Anti Virus  Tahan luntur warna terhadap pelapukan
 Anti-bakteri  Penyerap kelembaban
 Anti Penetrasi  Finishing perasaan keren
 Deodorisasi  Anti-kerut dan bebas menyetrika
 Anti nyamuk  Renyah dan ketegasan
 Anti UV  Pelembutan lembut
 Dapat dicuci dengan suhu tinggi  Halus indah
 50 kali industri bisa dicuci  Persik karbon
 Pemutihan klorin  Finishing aromatik
Lapisan PA/PU/PVC PU/TPU/PTFE Laminasi

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