600D पॉलिएस्टर फ़ैब्रिक वाटरप्रूफ़ PU कोटिंग

1200 मीटर(न्यूनतम ऑर्डर)

Key Features:Anti-UV, Breathable, Water repellent, Waterproof

उपलब्ध रंग 1
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  • के-काला

600D पॉलिएस्टर फ़ैब्रिक वाटरप्रूफ़ PU कोटिंग



धागे की गिनती





मध्यम वजन


150 सेमी


Plain, Ripstop

खत्म करना

Breathable, PU coating, Teflon


bags, awnings, tents, shoes, horse blanket, waterproof cover

600D Polyester Fabric: Composition and Weaving Process

600D polyester ripstop PU coated fabric is made by doubling and weaving two 300D yarns. This production method gives the fabric a more textured appearance. The doubled yarn endows the fabric with high strength and enables it to be suitable for a variety of finishing processes, such as making 600D PU coated fabric, 600D polyester fabric with flame retardant coating, and 600D waterproof coated fabric.

600D Polyester Fabric: Physical Property Specifications

600D fabric for outerwear is a medium-weight fabric with excellent durability and abrasion resistance. According to the AS 2001.2.16 test method, this fabric weighs approximately 230gsm, with a warp breaking force of about 2400N and a weft breaking force of 1500N. The AS 2001.2.10 test method also shows that it can withstand a tearing force of 145N in both warp and weft directions.

600D Polyester Fabric: Material Traits and Origins

600D polyester fabric is made of 100% polyester. This fabric is renowned worldwide for its high strength and durability and is one of the most popular textiles globally. It is commonly used in thousands of industrial and consumer applications. It is a synthetic fabric, usually derived from petroleum, but there are also some products made from recyclable and biodegradable materials. Besides strength and durability, 600D polyester fabric also has breathable properties.

600D Polyester Fabric: Waterproof  PU Coating

The surface of 600D polyester ripstop PU coated fabric is coated with polyurethane, which imparts excellent waterproof properties to the fabric and helps prevent dirt accumulation. Moreover, as it is lighter than canvas, it is easier to clean and maintain. In addition, the coating makes the fabric highly resistant to abrasion, impact, and tearing. The PU coating also adds extra tensile strength and UV resistance to the fabric, making it an ideal choice for outdoor products.

600D Polyester Fabric: Cost and Practicality

Even after PU coating treatment, 600D fabric a lightweight, compact, and versatile fabric, and it is also highly cost-effective. On one hand, the cost of polyester is lower than that of nylon; on the other hand, its production process is simpler, requiring fewer resources and less energy, thus reducing production costs. Coupled with its lightweight and compact characteristics, the transportation cost of this fabric is also lower.

600D Polyester Fabric: Diverse Application Scenarios

600D polyester ripstop PU coated fabric for outerwear is undoubtedly an outstanding textile, so it has an extremely wide range of applications. It is used in everything from simple accessories like coin purses to backpacks, rucksacks, and camera bags. It is also a commonly used fabric in the equestrian industry for making horse blankets and accessories. It is a popular choice for making dog coats and accessories. This fabric is also suitable for boat covers and car covers and is an ideal material for making tents, bags, and suitcases.

प्रमाणन मानक

एनएफपीए 701 ज्वाला मंदता


अन्य वैकल्पिक फिनिशिंग

डब्ल्यू/आर, एस/आर  जलरोधक
 मृदा विमोचन  इन्फ्रारेड विरोधी
 जलरोधी  एंटी-थर्मल इमेजिंग
 एंटी स्टेटिक  उच्च हाइड्रोस्टेटिक दबाव
 कलई करना  अत्यधिक ठंड प्रतिरोध
 ज्वाला मंदक  पवन सबूत
 एसिड प्रतिरोध  हल्का और पतला
 क्षार प्रतिरोध  पसीने और प्रकाश के प्रति उच्च रंग स्थिरता
 अम्ल और क्षार प्रतिरोध  प्रकाश के प्रति उच्च रंग स्थिरता
 एंटी वायरस  मौसम के प्रति रंग स्थिरता
 विरोधी बैक्टीरियल  पसीना सोखने वाला
 विरोधी पैठ  समापन का सुखद अहसास
 गंध  एंटी-रिंकल और इस्त्री मुक्त
 विरोधी मच्छर  कुरकुरा और दृढ़ता
 विरोधी यूवी  रोएंदार नरमी
 उच्च तापमान पर धोने योग्य  चिकना उत्तम
 50 गुना औद्योगिक धोने योग्य  कार्बन आड़ू
 क्लोरीन ब्लीचिंग  सुगंधित परिष्करण
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